Thursday, April 26, 2012

Red Pill Parenting

I have two sons and no intentions to have more.  I’m going to focus on raising sons.  Will I ever talk about raising girls?  Possibly, but not to start.
 How do you raise boys to avoid the traps set out before them?  I remember a passage from a book I read while married, “Raising a Modern Day Knight.”  The author recounts a story about Robert E. Lee.
Lee was walking in the woods with his young son following.  The snow was deep and fresh.  After some time, he looked back to see how his son was doing.  He noticed his son struggled to get his feet to match his father’s pace and to only walk in the tracks his father put down.  It was at that point that Lee said to himself (paraphrase), “If my son is to follow my steps, I had better to walk as straight a path as possible.”
In that spirit, I think a father’s primary duty is to carry himself as the Alpha.  I won’t get into the natural vs. learned debate.  As far as I’m concerned, “fake it til you make it” should work if your goal is to provide an example to your sons. 
The web is an incredible resource for men who feel something is terribly wrong, but can’t put their finger on it.  It goes by several names and has a number of schools of thought.  Search out terms, like manosphere, alpha male, game, and PUA.  Your world will open, if your ready.
My initial motivation was re-entering the dating market.  I’m an INTJ and one of the stronger traits of that personality is knowing what you don’t know.  So, I sought the experts in the field and came across the Pick-Up Artist (PUA) community.  Their market is mid-20s men, mostly.  However, the work they’ve done on inter-gender relationships is extraordinary and shouldn’t be casually dismissed as simply “seduction.”
I will not try to cover the ground others covered.  My work will stand on the shoulders of giants.  If you are interested in being educated on how the world shifted and how the game is meant to be played naturally, I suggest you hit the blogs I’ve linked to the right and start reading.  In addition to the blogs, spend the money for books, like “Rules of the Game” (Nick Strauss), “The Mystery Method” (Erik von Markovik), “Bang” (Roosh V).  Let them lead you to additional resources.  Don’t dismiss them because they lack formal credentials.  Their understanding of the male and female psyche is deserving of honorary degrees, given the volume of field research and written work.  Don't ignore them because you don't want to be a pickup artist.  What they can teach you has benefits beyond their field of interest.
Educate yourself.  Relearn what you forgot (my case).  Learn what you should have learned.  For some, it will come more naturally.  For others, you will need to “fake it til you make it.”  Once it clicks, though, the world starts making much more sense (how people actually interact) as it also make even less sense (how everyone says they should interact).
If your father walked in your shoes, he’d be floored by the differences between dating in the 50s, 60s and even 70s and now.  You owe it to your sons to educate yourself, walk the path, show them the way, and reinforce the fundamentals if they stumble into beta-hood.

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