There has been a lot of digital ink spilled over this topic. I'm not sure where I stand in this respect: Do I teach my boys game? I'm trying to raise Christians and the ultimate goal of game is sex. I know some guys can weave a path between the two. I'm just not sure it can be done.
The MRAs have brought to light some major issues that my sons will need to handle in the future. I'd be reckless if I raised my sons to be unaware of what's out there. They need to know the nature of hypergamy. They need to spot the problems within the church and the feminist corruption of Scripture. They must be prepared for marriage, if they make that choice.
At the University of Man, Prof Mantu wrote a piece that touches on something I've got to be careful about. Too much emphasis on my particular situation (baseless divorce, false charges, debt) can easily lead to lasting bitterness. When I studied game, I think it was Roosh V that pointed something out to a guy. The guy was getting bitter about encountering hypergamy. Roosh spotted the problem immediately. The guy was studying, learning, but wasn't doing approaches. So, he was psyching himself right out of the market.
My divorce isn't final and she will drag it out to the last possible day, even though she initiated it. I will be re-entering the dating market at 41 or so. I'll need to do my own soul searching because I didn't do "chaste" well in my 20s. I also have a number of advantages that a number of guys in my situation and age group don't have going for them.
Touching on the previous post, my sons will see me with another woman(women). I have no interest in parading them in front of my boys, but it will be a reality and maybe a way to teach and prepare them by showing them how to do things. In truth, I don't think I would've been as focused on this aspect, had the ex not decided to blow apart our family.
If you have the misfortune of reading the last few posts, understand that I'm still trying to get a feel for the direction I want to go. The first rule of learning to write well is to write, write, write. Growing pains in the blogosphere.
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